Wednesday, April 10, 2013


What words are there to describe the city that is the catalyst for western civilisation?  I was completely blown away by the size, the gargantuan architecture and the incomparable history that Rome has to offer.

The Colosseo, the fontane de trevi,  the Vatican... I was stunned into silence at the magnificence of it all. How can one city hold so much history? I adore that love and passion rule all there is to Rome - mothers, fathers, brother and lovers killing and dying for their right to sovereignty. There is so much to learn from all Rome - despite, or rather in spite of its own trials and tribulations, and a chequered past that can rival no other, Rome has survived its own evils and lives on.

The blonde Esquire and I roamed the streets, discovering tiny back alleys that gave way to churches and halls, columns and fountains, arches and domes. Each of which had its own personal and detailed history, whether by its raison d'etre or because of its creator- Leonardo Da Vinci, Michaelangelo, Gian Lorenzo Bernini. 

Falling in love is what walking through Rome feels like; every step and your breath gets snatched away as you fall deeper and deeper into the abyss that is completely beyond your control. I fell head over heels in love with Rome, and the blonde Esquire? He was there, every step of the way, holding my hand, staring into my eyes, wrapping his arms around me as I failed to utter complete sentences, awe struck by Rome.

Darlings if you ever get the chance, go to Rome, fall in love with Rome. It may be my favourite place on the whole Continent, and the fact I got to share every moment with the blonde Esquire only makes me love it so much more.

D. S.

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